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Special Feature: Land and Sustainable Food Transformations

Adam Calo, Assistant Professor of Environmental Governance and Politics, Radboud University
Coline Perrin, Senior Researcher in Geography, INRAE
Kirsteen Shields, Senior Lecturer in International Law and Food Systems, University of Edinburgh
Sylvia Kay, Researcher, The Transnational Institute
Sarah Ruth Sippel, Professor of Economic Geography and Globalization Studies, University of Münster

Land relations—property, access, tenure, landscape—are an underlying driver of the material form of food systems, from farm to distribution. This special feature goes beyond understanding dynamics of the land food nexus to ask how land relations can be reformed to create favorable conditions for more just and sustainable food systems to emerge.

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Lanka Horstink; Kaya Schwemmlein; Gabriela Abrahão Masson
Ana-Maria Gătejel; Antonella Maiello
Olivia Oldham; Pania Newton; Nicola Short
Adrien Baysse-Lainé
Charlotta Sophie Sippel; Sarah Ruth Sippel
Elise Wach; Ruth Hall
Bonnie Holligan; Helena Howe
Margriet Goris; Eliane Bakker; Leonardo van den Berg; Marianna Siegmund-Schultze; Sinéad O’ Keeffe; Marc Ravesloot; Conny Bufe; Jan Hassink
Antonio Roman-Alcalá
Raychel E. Santo; Sara N. Lupolt; Katherine M. Uhde; Robert C. Bennaton; Keeve E. Nachman
Tianzhu Liu; Romain Melot; Frédéric Wallet
Sean F. Kennedy; Camille Frazier
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