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Knowledge Domain: Sustainability Transitions


Alastair Iles, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Anne R. Kapuscinski, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Elementa's Sustainability Transitions domain welcomes contributions that advance knowledge on shifting society-environment interactions to sustainability - to a world in which human beings and other life flourish in diverse social and environmental contexts. Transitions to sustainability entail changes in people's interactions with each other and with the environment at local to global scales. Societies have insufficient knowledge of changes that can effectively promote sustainability transitions, and of the causal mechanisms involved. Navigating these transitions involves different sectors of society, ways of knowing, research approaches, and forms of creative expression. Therefore, a primary purpose of this domain is to bridge boundaries among disciplines, geographies, cultures, and institutions, and between scholars and practitioners. We encourage submissions from scholars in the social and natural sciences and humanities, and practitioners, innovators, and leaders who are forging ahead with strategies to shift towards sustainability.

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Maywa Montenegro de Wit; Alastair Iles
Lanka Horstink; Kaya Schwemmlein; Gabriela Abrahão Masson
Ana-Maria Gătejel; Antonella Maiello
Janis Steele; Connor Steele-McCutchen; Sriramappa Gonchikara; Shamim Hossain; Brooks McCutchen
Olivia Oldham; Pania Newton; Nicola Short
Emily J. Douglas; Andrew M. Lohrer
Ulises Moreno-Tabarez; Uriel Winston Cabrera-Tena; María Concepción López-Ojeda
Jessica Heiges; Martin Bourque; Allison Parra; Denaya Shorter; Kate O’Neill
Zachary Dove; Sikina Jinnah; Shuchi Talati
Adrien Baysse-Lainé
Charlotta Sophie Sippel; Sarah Ruth Sippel
Loni Hensler; Mariana Benítez; Luis Bracamontes Nájera; Benito Vázquez Quesada; Yoatzin Popoca Hernández; Antonia Sebastián Ángeles; Carlos Asúnsolo Morales; María del Carmen Colohua Ixmatlahua; Dulce María Juárez Desion; Karina Cristal González Ayohua; Maribel Díaz Francisco; María Guadalupe León Velasco; María Isabel Quiahua Panzo; Xavier Martínez Esponda
Elise Wach; Ruth Hall
Bonnie Holligan; Helena Howe
Kunze Li; Long Xiao; Kai Qi; Yiming Song
Margriet Goris; Eliane Bakker; Leonardo van den Berg; Marianna Siegmund-Schultze; Sinéad O’ Keeffe; Marc Ravesloot; Conny Bufe; Jan Hassink
Clare E. B. Cannon
Chitrangada Choudhury
Michael Eggen; Robert Heilmayr; Patrick Anderson; Rebecca Armson; Kemen Austin; Reza Azmi; Peter Bayliss; David Burns; J. T. Erbaugh; Andini Desita Ekaputri; David L. A. Gaveau; Janina Grabs; Aida Greenbury; Ibrahim Gulagnar; Mansuetus Alsy Hanu; Tony Hill; Marieke Leegwater; Godwin Limberg; Charlotte Opal; Violace Putri; Judy Rodrigues; Grant Rosoman; Musnanda Satar; Su Sin Sheun; Rukaiyah Rafik; Sarah Walen; Kimberly M. Carlson
Yuan Li; Jamal Khan
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