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Journal Articles
Current History (2018) 117 (796): 49–55.
Published: 01 February 2018
... Ecuador Lenín Moreno Rafael Correa Country Alliance party elections corruption Odebrecht Panama Papers authoritarianism democratic transition 49 Rather than take marching orders from the outgoing president, Moreno distanced his government from the authoritarianism and corruption...
Journal Articles
Current History (2016) 115 (781): 175–180.
Published: 01 May 2016
... war Jose Eduardo dos Santos People's Movement Liberation Angola UNITA oil wealth human rights Rafael Marques Luaty Beirão 175 Angola s rulers are faced with the rise of a generation that does not accept the political logic of the war, whereby dissent equaled treason. Youthful...
Journal Articles
Current History (2016) 115 (778): 43–50.
Published: 01 February 2016
... Mexico Institutional Revolutionary Party PRI Dilma Rousseff Brazil Michelle Bachelet Chile Hugo Chávez Venezuela Evo Morales Bolivia Néstor Cristina Fernández de Kirchner Argentina Rafael Correa Ecuador Fidel Castro Cuba Committees Defense Revolution Colombia A dynamic...
Journal Articles
Current History (2009) 108 (715): 51–57.
Published: 01 February 2009
... Latin America United States Brazil Mexico Barack Obama Unasur Mercosur Luis Inacio Lula da Silva Hugo Chavez Rafael Correa 51 Just one month before Barack Obama s historic inauguration, all 33 of the United States south-ern neighbors convened at an unprecedented mega-summit hosted...