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Journal Articles
Current History (2016) 115 (778): 68–74.
Published: 01 February 2016
... good years that followed the 2002 election of Luis Inácio Lula da Silva as president. The discovery of offshore oil, a China-propelled commodities boom, and the initially prudent macroeconomic policies of Lula s pragmatic PT administration contributed to the most sustained economic growth of any period...
Journal Articles
Current History (2012) 111 (742): 56–61.
Published: 01 February 2012
...Michael Shifter Brazil's rise, coupled with the diminished influence of the United States and the increasingly salient global role of China, has reshuffled the kaleidoscope of regional organizations.… Brazil Venezuela regionalism Luis Inácio Lula da Silva Organization American States...
Journal Articles
Current History (2011) 110 (732): 32–37.
Published: 01 January 2011
... Criminal Court Augusto Pinochet Omar Hassan al-Bashir Luis Moreno-Ocampo genocide Madeleine Albright United Nations Bill Clinton International Criminal Tribunal Former Yugoslavia 32 In many instances human rights violations are better confronted as a political problem rather than...
Journal Articles
Current History (2009) 108 (715): 51–57.
Published: 01 February 2009
... Latin America United States Brazil Mexico Barack Obama Unasur Mercosur Luis Inacio Lula da Silva Hugo Chavez Rafael Correa 51 Just one month before Barack Obama s historic inauguration, all 33 of the United States south-ern neighbors convened at an unprecedented mega-summit hosted...
Journal Articles
Current History (2004) 103 (676): 376–382.
Published: 01 November 2004
... reserved. 2004 The Regents of the University of California Spain Al Qaeda ETA United States Jose Marìa Aznar Iraq Jose Luis Rodrìguez Zapatero Madrid Tony Blair Osama bin Laden Did Terrorism Sway Spain s Election? CHARLES POWELL On March 14, 2004, three days after trainbombings...