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Journal Articles
Current History (2014) 113 (763): 178–184.
Published: 01 May 2014
... republic AFRICOM AFISMA MINUSMA Sierra Leone Ivory Coast Liberia Congo DRC 178 Africa s regional organizations will . . . need to urgently improve their rapid- response capacity to ensure that the continent does not keep relying for its secu- rity on self-interested external powers. UN...
Journal Articles
Current History (2004) 103 (673): 211–214.
Published: 01 May 2004
... Sierra Leone Liberia Uganda Lord's Resistance Army Siaka Stevens Revolutionary United Front Congo Mai African guerrilla sub-Saharan 211 Africa s Young Guerrillas: Rebels with a Cause? MORTEN BØÅS A shared experience of brutalization, abuse, and marginalization informs the worldview...
Journal Articles
Current History (2001) 100 (646): 219–225.
Published: 01 May 2001
... rights reserved. 2001 The Regents of the University of California Charles Taylor disarmament Foday Sankoh human rights intervention Lome agreement RUF Sierra Leone United Nations war 219 RUF commanders have fought the government with guns bought with diamonds, brought from...