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Tareq Y. Ismael is the author of The Middle East in World Politics (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1973); Canada and the Middle East (Toronto: MacMillan, 1973); The Arab Left (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1976); The Iraq–Iran War: Roots of Conflict (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1982) and the editor of Canadian–Arab Relations, 2d ed. (Ottawa: Jerusalem International Publishing House, 1984).
Jacqueline S. Ismael is the author of Kuwait: Social Change in Historical Perspective (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1982) and editor of Canadian Social Welfare Policy: Federal and Provincial Dimensions (Montreal: Mc-Gill-Queens Press, forthcoming).
Tareq Y. Ismael, Jacqueline S. Ismael; Iraq’s Interrupted Revolution. Current History 1 January 1985; 84 (498): 29–31. doi:
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