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© 1982 by The Regents of the University of California
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Arthur M. Hanhardt Jr. is a visiting scientist at the Battelle Human Affairs Research Centers in Seattle, Washington. He is the author of The German Democratic Republic (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1968) and has written on German politics in the Koelner Zeitschriftfuer Sozwbgie und Sozialpsychobgie, The Journal of International Studies, Societas and Materialien zur Polidschen Bildung. He visited East Germany in 1970, 1972 and 1974 and West Germany in 1969,1972, and 1980. Barbara Keen of Battelle—HARC provided bibliographical assistance for this article.
Arthur M. Hanhardt; The German Democratic Republic. Current History 1 November 1982; 81 (478): 366–370. doi:
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