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© 1969 by The Regents of the University of California
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William C. Johnstone taught political science at the George Washington University until 1946 and served as dean of the School of Government. He was director of U.S.I.S. for India during 1946–1947 and an adviser to the U.S. diplomatic mission to Nepal in 1947. He served in the Department of State until 1953. During 1957–1959, he was co-director of the Rangoon-Hopkins Center of Southeast Asian studies and visiting professor at the University of Rangoon. He has lectured and traveled extensively in South and Southeast Asia, most recently in 1962. Mr. Johnstone is a lecturer at the Department of State’s Foreign Service Institute and a consultant to the RAND Corporation. Author of a number of works on Asian politics, his most recent publication is Burma’s Foreign Policy —A Study in Neutralism (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963).
William C. Johnstone; The Political-Strategic Significance of Vietnam. Current History 1 February 1969; 56 (330): 65–70. doi:
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