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© 1940 by The Regents of the University of California
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Frederic Sondern, Jr., is a native of New York City. After his graduation from Harvard in 1932 he became the McClure Newspaper Syndicate’s chief European correspondent. In Vienna, Berlin, Rome, Paris, and London he covered all the major ructions on the continent up to and including the Austrian Anschluss in 1938.
After the Anschluss, Mr. Sondern returned to the United States and The Saturday Evening Post published his “Schuschnigg’s Terrible Two Hours” — telling the story of Austria’s collapse. In the spring of 1939, he did the closeups of Queen Mary and Charles Lindbergh for Life which stirred considerable comment. In the fall of that year, he was again in London for the outbreak of World War II.
Since his return to New York several months ago, Mr. Sondern has devoted himself mainly to the problems of this hemisphere. His current article — “America’s Blitzkrieg Army” — is based on intimate knowledge of the German military machine.
Frederic Sondern; America’s Blitzkrieg Army: Uncle Sam Is Developing a Mechanized Force of Great Striking Power. Current History 10 December 1940; 52 (5): 11–13. doi:
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