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© 1939 by The Regents of the University of California
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Dr. Leiper was born in New Jersey in 1891, is a graduate of Amherst College and the Union Theological Seminary in New York. Ordained in 1917, he received his Master’s degree in the same year and his Doctorate of Divinity in 1929. A Presbyterian and later a Congregation-alist, he saw service as a missionary in China, a Y.M.C.A. secretary in Siberia during the World War, and as head of the American Church in Paris. A member of the American Academy of Political and Economic Science, Dr. Leiper has occupied executive positions on many important church committees and is the author of several books.
Henry Smith Leiper; Those German Refugees: Facts do not justify the propaganda about refugees displacing American jobholders. Current History 1 May 1939; 50 (3): 19–22. doi:
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