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© 1964 by The Regents of the University of California
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David R. Inglis was a member of the Los Alamos team that developed the fust atomic bomb. He has been associated with the Argonne National Laboratory since 1949. In addition, he was visiting professor at the University of California (Berkeley) in 1955–1956; in 1957–1958, he was a visiting scientist at CERN, the international physics laboratory in Geneva. In 1959–1960, Mr. Inglis was Chairman of the Federation of American Scientists. An early exponent of step-by-step disarmament and the idea of a nuclear test ban, he is author of numerous magazine articles.
David R. Inglis; Step-By-Step Disarmament. Current History 1 August 1964; 47 (276): 88–92. doi:
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