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© 1961 by The Regents of the University of California
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A graduate of Dalhousie and Oxford Universities and the University of Toronto, F. K. Stewart has been the Executive Secretary of the Canadian Education Association for the past fourteen years. He has represented Canada at the annual Conference of the International Bureau of Education and served on Canadian government delegations to the UNESCO Biennial Conferences in Montevideo and New Delhi. In addition to his work with the Canadian Education Association he has been a local school board member and sessional lecturer in “Comparative Education” and the “History of Canadian Education” for graduate students at the College of Education of the University of Toronto. Coeditor of Leadership in Action: the Superintendent of Schools in Canada, he has written a book entitled Interprovincial Co-operation in Education and numerous magazine articles on Canadian education.
F. K. Stewart; Government Aid and Control of Education in Canada. Current History 1 June 1961; 40 (238): 353–360. doi:
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