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© 1959 by The Regents of the University of California
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This letter from the editors of International Affairs, a monthly journal published in Moscow, criticizes the November, 1957, issue of Current History, The Middle East and the Balance of Power. The letter appeared in the April, 1958, issue of International Affairs, and was later brought to our attention not by its editors, but by a Current History contributor, Professor Harold H. Fisher. It was difficult for us to find a copy of the letter and we very much regret our delay in presenting it to our readers. The editors reprint this letter in accord with the American tradition of the free press without in any way subscribing to these Soviet criticisms.
Harold H. Fisher; Russian Criticism of American Foreign Policy: An Open Letter to the Editors of Current History from International Affairs Moscow. Current History 1 November 1959; 37 (219): 295–298. doi:
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