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© 1932 by The Regents of the University of California
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The following article on the origin of the meeting between President Hoover and Prime Minister MacDonald three years ago is written by the veteran newspaper correspondent who may well claim that he was responsible for bringing about that historic event. Mr. Hoover himself has since declared that Mr. Bell’s “ service in the cause of international goodwill has been unique in method and invaluable in results,” while Charles G. Dawes, Ambassador to Great Britain at the time the meeting was arranged, has written that Mr. Bell’s “ work has been most notable In the furtherance of International peace and good understanding.” Still more direct is the testimony of W. L. Mackenzie King, former Prime Minister of Canada: “ I have personal knowledge of the extent to which the good offices of Mr. Bell contributed to the inception and successful outcome of the negotiations which made possible the London Naval Pact.” Mr. Bell was born in Indiana sixty-three years ago and has been engaged in newspaper work in America and abroad for fifty years.
Edward Price Bell; The Origin of Premier MacDonald’s Visit to America. Current History 1 November 1932; 37 (2): 167–172. doi:
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