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© 1958 by The Regents of the University of California
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George Beredayjoined the faculty of Teachers College in 1955. Specializing in comparative education, in particular in European education with major attention to England and the Soviet Union, he is editor of the Comparative Education Review and joint editor of the Yearbook of Education. His previous positions include an executive post at the British Ministry of Education (Committee for the Education of Poles in Great Britain), a research post at the Russian Research Center at Harvard, and teaching posts at Boston College and the University of Delaware. His articles and reviews have appeared in educational, sociological, and economic journals in the United States and Europe. He reads several languages and has lectured, travelled and broadcast in the United States, Europe, and Latin America. This past summer Mr.Bereday visited the Soviet Union.
George Z. F. Bereday; A Comparative Look at English, French and Soviet Education. Current History 1 September 1958; 35 (205): 165–171. doi:
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