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© 1957 by The Regents of the University of California
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Samuel Guy Inmanhas devoted most of his life to Latin American affairs. He attended all Pan American Conferences from 1933 to the Ninth Conference in 1950 in Bogota where he served on the secretariat. He has been Professor of International Relations at the University of Mexico since 1952. Mr. Inman is founder and director of La Nueva Democracia, president of Worldover Press and a member of the United States diplomatic mission to Brazil in 1951. Among his latest works are A New Day in Guatemala (1951) and his newly finished The Rise and the Fall of the Good Neighbor Policy to be published in the summer.
Samuel Guy Inman; The Rise and Fall of the Good Neighbor Policy. Current History 1 April 1957; 32 (188): 193–199. doi:
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