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© 1953 by The Regents of the University of California
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COLONEL HERMAN BEUKEMA has been Professor and Head of the Department of Social Studies at the United States Military Academy at West Point since 1930. In 1941 he organized the Army Orientation Course; he was Director of the Course until April, 1942. In that year, he organized the Army Specialized Training Program and directed the program until 1944. Colonel Beulcema is the author of The United States Military Academy and its Contemporaries (1943); MilitaryPolicy of the United States, 1775-1944 (1944); and co-author of Economics of National Security (1950) and Contemporary Foreign Governments (1946).
Herman Beukema; The Parliamentary System. Current History 1 September 1953; 25 (145): 167–172. doi:
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