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Mr. Stevens, as Executive Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., spent five years in Turkey, beginning with the early Fall of 1919, and witnessed the momentous events of those years upon the spot. Though most of his official work was done in Constantinople, he visited Smyrna three times—twice, before and once after the conflagration that followed-the Greek defeat—made a tour of the southern shore of the Black Sea as far as Trebizoiid and a more extensive trip around the western and southern coasts of Asia Minor, and thence to Beirut, Damascus, Palestine, Egypt and Greece. He also went through Thrace during the retreat of the Greeks in September, 1922. In writing the article he Consulted Dr. Caleb J. Gates, President of Robert College, Constantinople: Rear Admiral Mark L. Bristol, High Commissioner of the United, States in Turkey, and other prominent Americans. as well as many Turkish authorities. Mr. Stevens is a native of Cincinnati. Ohio, and a graduate of the University of Wisconsin. He has been connected with the Y. M.C. A. for the past twelve years, both in the United States and the Near East. He served with the Forty-second Division of the United States Army in France during the World War.
Elbert Crandall Stevens; The Turkish Republic 1925. Current History 1 March 1925; 21 (6): 900–906. doi:
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