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© 1925 by The Regents of the University of California
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Mr. Lyons, a graduate of City College of New York, after serving as a Government surveyor in the Philippines, became a reporter on The Manila Cablenews-Ameriean and was successively Washington correspondent of The Manila Daily Bulletin, city editor and editor of The Manila Daily Bulletin, editor of The Manila Cablenews-American, editor and publisher of The Spotlight, a Manila weekly; editor of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal, Manila, and editor of The Manila Times, retiring from that position in 1924. He was also Philippine correspondent of The New York Evening Post, acting Philippine correspondent of The London Times, and from 1914 to 1924 Philippine correspondent of The New York Times. In 1924 he became a member and the Secretary of the United States Mission of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippine Islands, which position he now holds. In 1911 he was Philippine delegate to the Democratic National Convention at St. Louis. He has contributed to many leading newspapers and magazines and is the author of “Lays of Sergeant Con” (verse), Manila, 1914: “Later Days of Sergeant Con,” Manila. 1922, and “The Philippine Problem Viewed from a New Angle,” Manila, 1924.
Norbert Lyons; Filipino Leaders’ Split on Independence Issue. Current History 1 March 1925; 21 (6): 866–872. doi:
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