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Dr. Bing is well known as traveler and scholar. He was graduated from Oxford University, England, where he specialized in Mohammedan philosophy and Oriental languages with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. After his graduation he went to the East, where he had an adventurous and interesting career. He spent three years in Turkey, Syria, Arabia and Mesopotamia, and shared the life of the Bedouins of the desert. In Turkey he was brought into close contact with Mustapha Kemal, Chief of the present Turkish Republic; Ismet Pasha, Talaat Pasha, Djemal Bey and a number of eminent Turks of both sexes of princely rank. Dr. Bing organized the Boy Scout movement in various parts of Turkey and presided at examinations in schools for Moslem boys and girls. He lived with the Bedouins of the desert and shared their wild, nomadic life; the title of Bedouin Sheik was conferred upon him. He has published many articles on the Near East, including interviews with Turkish notables. At the time this article went to press he was back again in Turkey living in Angora in close contact with the present Turkish régime.—Ed.
DR. Edward J. Bing; The Unpacified Bedouins Arabia’s Wildest Tribes. Current History 1 January 1925; 21 (4): 574–580. doi:
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