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© 1924 by The Regents of the University of California
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Professor Sorokine is one of the most distinguished scholars of new Russia. Born in 1889 of humble parentage (his father was a workingman and his mother a peasant), he prepared for a university career, and rose, during the World War (1916-22) to the position of head of the Department of Sociology in the University of Petroyrad. In 1917, after the outbreak of the first revolution, he became a member of the Executive Committee of the first All-Russian Peasants* Soviet, member of the Constitutional Assembly and private secretary to Premier Kerensky. After the second revolution, from 1917 to 1922, he was imprisoned three times and condemned to death. In October. 1922. be was banished from Russia by the Soviet Government, on the ground of his leadership of the peasantry and his utterances in important periodicals edited by him. He is the author of many works on sociology, philosophy, economics and Russian history
Pitikim Sorokine; I. Fanatic And Anti-Social Extremist. Current History 1 March 1924; 19 (6): 1013–1017. doi:
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