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Calls for Papers


Business and Sustainability: Integrating Environmental and Business Practices

Guest Editor: Jordan P. Howell, Rohrer College of Business, Rowan University


Case Studies from GIS and Sustainability Science

Guest Editor: Robert Vos, Spatial Sciences Institute, University of Southern California


Climate-Resilient Development (CRD) in the Hospitality and Tourism Sector: Perspectives and Prospects

Guest Editor: Mohammad Javad Maghsoodi Tilaki, Department of Geography, Universiti Sains Malaysia



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  • Extend your geographic and educational impact. Whether you are a researcher or graduate student expected to maximize the educational impact of your research, a professional or an educationally focused adjunct instructor with fewer opportunities to publish research, writing case studies on your research, practical work, or teaching extends the recognized impact of what you do.
  • Research grants may require that you 'broaden the impact' of your work through innovation in teaching and training (e.g., develop curricular materials and pedagogical methods); contribute to the science of learning; and broaden engagement with your research to people outside your immediate field. Publishing in Case Studies in the Environment is a very meaningful way of broadening impact of your work.
  • Improve your case with our peer review. We help make your case the best it can be.
  • Sustainable reach. As an extension of one of the largest public universities in the world, UC Press provides non-profit library subscription models developed with input from librarians, and free access to Case Studies in the Environment in developing countries


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