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Special Collection: Papua New Guinea's Forests

Paul Dargusch, University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia
Fabio Attorre, Department of Environmental Biology, Sapienza University of Rome
David Wadley, Papua New Guinea Forest Research Institute, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea & School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia

By many measures, Papua New Guinea’s forests are a source of precious natural wonder. Approximately 80% of the country is classified as forest land; more than 38 million ha, the third largest tropical forest area in the world after the Amazon and Congo basin. Of that forest, more than 75% (28 million ha) is classified as ‘intact’ or undisturbed by human activities. These forests provide vital habitat. Papua New Guinea alone accounts for more than five per cent of global biodiversity. The number of plant species in Papua New Guinea has been estimated to be between 15,000 to 20,000, representing about six per cent of the world’s flora. It is estimated that Papua New Guinea’s forests provide habitat for more than 150,000 species of insects, 314 species of freshwater fish (82 endemic), 641 species of amphibians and reptiles (328 endemic), 740 species of birds (77 endemic) and 276 species of mammals (69 endemic). Of global concern, Papua New Guinea’s forests are being lost at an alarming rate. Forest loss in Papua New Guinea’s low altitude forests, which account for around 20 million ha forest cover, has continued at between 3 and 5% loss by area per year since 2010, mostly driven (more than 90%) by log exports to China.

This special collection was compiled as part of Papua New Guinea’s National Forest Inventory. The inventory was unique in that in addition to data being collected on carbon stocks, data was also collected on floral and faunal components. The work presented in this collection presents some of the first studies of their kind. The papers are led by authors from Papua New Guinea. The collection serves as an important record of a valuable and unique forest resource. The results will contribute to the better management of the country’s forests, particularly as plans progress to engage in REDD+ and forest conservation finance initiatives. The collection also serves as an urgent call for the international community to help protect Papua New Guinea’s precious forests in ways determined by the people of Papua New Guinea for the primary benefit of people from Papua New Guinea.

The collection was made possible by the generous support of the Italian Development Cooperation through the FAO-Mountain Partnership Secretariat.

Miller Kawanamo; Kipiro Damas; Tiberius Jimbo; Riccardo Testolin; Michele De Sanctis; Luca Malatesta; Abe Hitofumi; Paul Dargusch; Fabio Attorre
Bulisa Iova; Osia Gideon; Vojtech Novotny; Katerina Sam; Michael Kigl; Bonny Koane; Luda Paul; Samson Yama; Samuel Jepi
Tiberius Jimbo; Simon Saulei; Jimmy Moses; Balun Lawong; Graham Kaina; Robert Kiapranis; Abe Hitofumi; Vojtech Novotny; Fabio Attorre; Riccardo Testolin; Daniele Cicuzza
Peter Homot; Gibson Sosanika; Kipiro Q. Damas; Robert Kiapranis; Daniele Cicuzza; Riccardo Testolin; Fabio Attore; Abe Hitufumi
Gibson Lainza Sosanika; Bernard Sule; Kaigube Fazang; Peter Homot; Graham Kaina; Robert Kiapranis; Kipiro Damas; Abe Hitofumi; Ruth Turia; Riccardo Testolin; Fabio Attore; Vojtech Novotny; Paul Dargusch; Daniele Cicuzza
Jason Paliau; Alfred Mani; Lui Napa; Cassey Uvau; Steven Sau; Robert Kiapranis; Paul Dargusch; Fabio Attorre; Vojtěch Novotný
Kipiro Qizac Damas; Silvio Cianciullo; Michele De Sanctis; Riccardo Testolin; Alessio Farcomeni; Abe Hitofumi; Vojtech Novotny; Paul Dargusch; Fabio Attorre
Ruth Turia; Gewa Gamoga; Hitofumi Abe; Vojtech Novotny; Fabio Attorre; Lauri Vesa
Penniel Lamei; Fabio Attorre; Riccardo Testolin; Michele De Sanctis; Ruth Turia; Abe Hitofumi
Gewa Gamoga; Ruth Turia; Hitofumi Abe; Masamichi Haraguchi; Oala Iuda
June Mandawali; David Wadley; Ruth Turia
Jacob Yombai; Petr Klimes; Paul Dargusch; Aloysius Posman; Ondrej Mottl; Alfred Mani; Vojtech Novotny
Genia Hill
N. Sam; P. Nimiago; T. Gaima; M. Gamung; L. Moripi; Y. Matsuura; A. Sumareke; J. Walters; M. Haraguchi; H. Abe; P. D. McIntosh
Leroy Moripi
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