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Special Collection: Case Studies of Corporate Carbon Management

Paul Dargusch, University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia

Developing an improved understanding how corporations manage their greenhouse gas emissions is increasingly important as the world transitions to a decarbonised economy. Upwards of 20% of the world’s largest emitters are now committed to ‘Net Zero’ targets. Corporate ‘environmental, social and corporate governance’ practices, notably related to climate risk disclosures, are becoming more influential on capital markets and the social license to operate of many corporations.

This special collection is an analysis of how a series of major corporations with interesting greenhouse gas emissions profiles and organisational constraints, estimate and report their emissions and formulate strategies to reduce those reportable emissions. The case studies complement a growing field on literature on carbon management and reveal an increasing standardisation in carbon management practices across different firms; from estimating emissions to abatement appraisal, to strategizing about emissions reduction options, to implementation and reporting. The lessons learnt from the case studies provide useful insights for other firms and for carbon management practitioners and contribute to the increased adoption and implementation of more effective climate change mitigation activities by the corporate sector.

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