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Keywords: presidential elections
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Journal Articles
Communist and Post-Communist Studies (2022) 55 (1): 155–182.
Published: 01 March 2022
... a consensus on the unintended consequences of election observation. This article empirically tests the hypothesis that observers can deter election-day fraud through a natural experiment on polling-station-level election results. Using data from the Ukraine 2004 presidential election, it will show that OSCE...
Journal Articles
Communist and Post-Communist Studies (2006) 39 (3): 351–364.
Published: 23 August 2006
...David R. Marples This paper focuses on the 2006 presidential elections in Belarus and offers several explanations for the lack of regime change. It posits that the answers lie in the official interpretations of the historical past, the personal popularity of the president—acquired partly through...