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Journal Articles
Communist and Post-Communist Studies (2023) 56 (2): 81–104.
Published: 15 March 2023
... incumbent governors tenure reappointment dismissal QCA In multilevel authoritarian regimes, regional executives fulfill important tasks. They oversee the implementation of economic policies as well as maintain stability in their regions. There are, however, striking differences in how long...
Journal Articles
Communist and Post-Communist Studies (2012) 45 (1-2): 123–130.
Published: 05 April 2012
... Fuzzy-set QCA Militarization Secessionist war ture syk, 2 ontro e jur the d that tic va will affect how their political statuses are ultimately resolved, either via reintegration in some formwith the state fromwhich they seceded, or amalgamation with another state, or as outright independent...