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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Dynamics in mentions of “Krym” in Integrum’s “Archives of Governmental Orga...
Published: 06 December 2024
Figure 1. Dynamics in mentions of “Krym” in Integrum’s “Archives of Governmental Organizations” (January 18, 2014–April 18, 2015; only full months included). The relative number of mentions means their percentage of the total number of documents in the given period. More about this image found in Dynamics in mentions of “Krym” in Integrum’s “Archives of Governmental Orga...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Various measures of the average sentiment or tone of articles for each news...
Published: 14 October 2024
Figure 1. Various measures of the average sentiment or tone of articles for each newspaper. Left: average absolute sentiment for each online media. Middle: average absolute sentiment of articles featuring influential politicians. Right: average relative sentiment of articles featuring influential ... More about this image found in Various measures of the average sentiment or tone of articles for each news...