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March 2, 2022

A statement from Editor-in-Chief Paul Goode on supporting displaced scholars

To authors and reviewers in all areas affected by Russia's war: the editorial team at Communist and Post-Communist Studies understands that you have more pressing concerns right now than reviews and manuscript revisions. But your scholarship doesn't have to become another casualty of the war, and we want to help.

For anyone affected by the war, we will accommodate extensions of any length for manuscript revisions on request. For scholars in the war zone who may not be able to get in touch, please be assured that we will not abandon your submissions for lack of contact.

If you agreed to a review but are no longer able to complete it, let us know (if possible) and we will re-assign it. Don't worry if you receive a review request and cannot manage it. A response is appreciated, but otherwise we will automatically re-assign it after two weeks.

Stay safe, stay strong.


Communist and Post-Communist Studies welcomes submissions of original work for review and consideration. Submissions are to be made via Scholastica. Authors will need to login using an existing Scholastica account or create a new one in order to submit. For an overview of working with Scholastica as an author, please consult the Author Guide provided by Scholastica. Any technical or software questions should be directed to Scholastica customer support.

Authors are required to review the journal's Author Guidelines prior to submission. 

Upon acceptance, authors are required to sign an Author Agreement with University of California Press. 

Communist and Post-Communist Studies  welcomes proposals for potential special issues or themed sections. Proposals should follow the journal's Special Issue and Themed Section Guidelines.

Communist and Post-Communist Studies adheres to the University of California Press Statement of Publication Ethics

Please direct all editorial inquiries to  [email protected].

Open Access 

Authors have the option of publishing open access in Communist and Post-Communist Studies. To learn more, including information about article processing charges, please visit this page

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