If diaspora communities are socialized with democratic values in Western societies, they could be expected to be sympathetic to the democratization of their home countries. However, there is a high degree of variation in their behavior. Contrary to the predominant understanding in the literature that diasporas act in exclusively nationalist ways, this article argues that they do engage with the democratization of their home countries. Various challenges to the sovereignty of their homelands explain whether diasporas involve with procedural or liberal aspects of democratization. Drawing evidence from the activities of the Ukrainian, Serbian, Albanian and Armenian diasporas after the end of communism, I argue that unless diasporas are linked to home countries that enjoy both international legal and domestic sovereignty, they will involve only with procedural aspects of democratization. Diasporas filter international pressure to democratize post-communist societies by utilizing democratic procedures to advance unresolved nationalist goals.
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March 19 2009
Diasporas and democratization in the post-communist world
Maria Koinova
Maria Koinova
Dartmouth College, Dickey Center for International Understanding, 6048 Haldeman Center, Hanover, NH 03755, USA
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Communist and Post-Communist Studies (2009) 42 (1): 41–64.
Maria Koinova; Diasporas and democratization in the post-communist world. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 1 March 2009; 42 (1): 41–64. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postcomstud.2009.02.001
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