This article examines the Serbian political leadership—the president and government alike—by addressing the dominant political figures’ narratives. We communicate with the theoretical aspects in the study of populism and conspiracy theories as this nexus enables us to examine the specific nature of the domestic politics in Serbia. In our view, the ruling elite complements its populist discourse with conspiracy theory to ensure its survival in power, by regularly generating fear about the threat posed to Serbian statehood and lack of apprehension for Belgrade’s geopolitical preferences and exploration of foreign policy alternatives. Our analysis fills a major gap in the literature, since there has been only sporadic research on this topic and none of it has focused on the merger of populism and conspiracy theory. The findings we have reached—largely those of the elite’s self-victimization narratives and their dissemination of anti-Western sentiments—provide for a fresh contribution to the debate concerning the power struggle and the state of democracy in Serbia, especially given the fact that the key political stakeholders draw heavily on pro-regime media outlets to readily disseminate their self-serving accounts.
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Research Article|
January 20 2025
Power Preservation, No Matter the Means: Populism and Conspiracy Theory as Instruments of Political Consolidation in Serbia
Vladimir Vučković,
Department of International Relations and European Studies/International Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
email: [email protected]
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Branislav Radeljić,
Branislav Radeljić
Department of International Relations, School of Law and International Relations, Nebrija University, Madrid, Spain
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Vladimir Đorđević
Vladimir Đorđević
Department of Security Studies, Police Academy of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
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email: [email protected]
Communist and Post-Communist Studies 1–23.
Vladimir Vučković, Branislav Radeljić, Vladimir Đorđević; Power Preservation, No Matter the Means: Populism and Conspiracy Theory as Instruments of Political Consolidation in Serbia. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 2025; doi:
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