Party system nationalization is a crucial aspect of political competition. The territories of Eastern Europe have often been characterized by outstanding levels of territorial heterogeneity. However, during and after World War II ethnic cleansing and forced migration resulted in more homogeneous nation states, and these trends were significantly reinforced by bureaucratic, centralized communist rule. I present a systematic empirical assessment of party and party system homogeneity or heterogeneity in post-communist Eastern Europe and will discuss some major macrosociological and institutional factors determining the degree of party and party system nationalization such as the political consequences of social diversity and political cleavages, legacies of the communist regimes, electoral systems, and federalism.
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June 2012
Research Article|
March 31 2012
The Nationalization of political parties and party systems in post-communist Eastern Europe
Guido Tiemann
Guido Tiemann
Institute for Advanced Studies, Department of Political Science, Vienna, Austria
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Communist and Post-Communist Studies (2012) 45 (1-2): 77–89.
Guido Tiemann; The Nationalization of political parties and party systems in post-communist Eastern Europe. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 1 June 2012; 45 (1-2): 77–89. doi:
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