The paper aims to explore the interconnections between social identities (ethnic, national, regional and religious) and conflict intentions in Tajikistan. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of identity-based conflicts, the paper emphasizes the importance of an early warning system that centers on social identity and shows what impact such factors as national identity building, religious identity revival, and regional identity reinforcement have on processes of conflict prevention, resolution, and reconciliation. Through the examination of the components of the model, including such factors as intergroup prejudice, outgroup threat, identity salience, ingroup primacy, forms of social identity, and modes of identity meaning, the author shows the main threats to peaceful co-existence in Tajikistan.
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June 2007
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April 27 2007
The system of social identities in Tajikistan: Early warning and conflict prevention
Karina Korostelina
Karina Korostelina
Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, 3330 N. Washington Blvd., Truland Building, 5th Floor, Arlington, VA 22201, USA
* Tel.: +1 703 993 1304; fax: +1 703 993 1302. E-mail address:[email protected]
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* Tel.: +1 703 993 1304; fax: +1 703 993 1302. E-mail address:[email protected]
Communist and Post-Communist Studies (2007) 40 (2): 223–238.
Karina Korostelina; The system of social identities in Tajikistan: Early warning and conflict prevention. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 1 June 2007; 40 (2): 223–238. doi:
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