During the democratic transformations in post-communist states, one of the key issues has been the formation of a politically neutral civil service. Poland made some limited steps in this direction during the pre-transition stage of the 198Os, but the formation of a civil service remained one of the tasks of the new democratic regime. Although several reforms were blueprinted by the last Solidarity-based cabinet of Hanna Suchocka, the Cabinet did not last long enough to have them passed through parliament. After the defeat of the post-Solidarity parties in the parliamentary election of September, 1993, the new governing coalition was divided on the issue of a politically neutral administration, with the Union of the Democratic Left (SLD) adopting a more reformist position than the Polish Peasant Party (PSL). This experience demonstrates the importance of political will in reforming public administration in the post-communist states.
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March 1995
Research Article|
March 01 1995
The Dilemmas of Re-organizing the Bureaucracy in Poland during the Democratic Transformation
Jerzy J. Wiatr
Jerzy J. Wiatr
Sejm RP, Wiejska 446, 00 902 Warsaw, Poland
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Communist and Post-Communist Studies (1995) 28 (1): 153–160.
Jerzy J. Wiatr; The Dilemmas of Re-organizing the Bureaucracy in Poland during the Democratic Transformation. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 1 March 1995; 28 (1): 153–160. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/0967-067X(95)00006-2
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