The results of Gorbachev's foreign policies offer a rare example of rapid, profound, and peaceful international change. Yet historically, an elaborate system of official censorship and the secrecy of the Soviet policy process hindered studies of Moscow's foreign policy. In response, Western scholars developed sophisticated methodological assumptions to interpret the limited resource pool. Gorbachev's policies added to the complexity of this enterprise. His reforms offered analysts an improved view into the politics of Soviet foreign policy without allowing them to abandon entirely previous interpretative mechanisms. Future studies must explicitly address the relationship between Gorbachev's reforms of Soviet political communication and changes in the policy-making process. Only then can scholars accurately assess presently available and forthcoming archival material and personal accounts by Soviet participants.
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September 1994
Research Article|
September 01 1994
Understanding Gorbachev's Foreign Policy: A Methodological Note
David Shumaker
David Shumaker
Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA
* I would like to thank Allen Lynch, Sandra Gubin, Michael Smith, and especially Glenn Chafe & for their valuable comments on earlier drafts.
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* I would like to thank Allen Lynch, Sandra Gubin, Michael Smith, and especially Glenn Chafe & for their valuable comments on earlier drafts.
Communist and Post-Communist Studies (1994) 27 (3): 261–273.
David Shumaker; Understanding Gorbachev's Foreign Policy: A Methodological Note. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 1 September 1994; 27 (3): 261–273. doi:
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