The interaction between Sovietology and comparative politics has been a continuing subject of discussion and controversy for both area studies specialists and social scientists. The break-up of the Soviet Union has in many respects both changed and intensified this debate. Drawing on an analysis of Western scholars' writings on these questions, the author argues that the post-Soviet moment provides an opportunity to better integrate comparative theories and methods into research on the Soviet successor states. Specifically, the introduction of explicit empirical comparisons between the Soviet system and other kinds of states would be useful to gain insight into the problems of communist, post-communist, and non-communist systems alike, perhaps revealing contemporary political dilemmas that transcend regime type.
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March 1994
Research Article|
March 01 1994
The Interaction of Post-Sovietology and Comparative Politics: Seizing the Moment
Andrea Chandler
Andrea Chandler
Department of Political Science, 8640 Loeb Building, Ottawa KIS 5B6, Canada (Fax: +1 613 788 4064)
* This paper in an earlier version was presented at the panel on “The Soviet Union and Social Science Theory,” joint panel of the meetings of the Canadian Political Science Association and the Canadian Association of Slavists, June 6, 1993. I would like to acknowledge the support of the Research Centre on Canada and the Soviet Successor States (CCSS) at Carleton University, where I wrote this paper as Post-Doctoral Fellow in 1992-1993, and the Director of CCSS, Larry Black, for his encouragement. I would also like to thank Leigh Sarty for the many stimulating conversations which helped to shape the ideas in this paper. A. Suzanne Hill read the first draft and offered valuable criticisms.
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* This paper in an earlier version was presented at the panel on “The Soviet Union and Social Science Theory,” joint panel of the meetings of the Canadian Political Science Association and the Canadian Association of Slavists, June 6, 1993. I would like to acknowledge the support of the Research Centre on Canada and the Soviet Successor States (CCSS) at Carleton University, where I wrote this paper as Post-Doctoral Fellow in 1992-1993, and the Director of CCSS, Larry Black, for his encouragement. I would also like to thank Leigh Sarty for the many stimulating conversations which helped to shape the ideas in this paper. A. Suzanne Hill read the first draft and offered valuable criticisms.
Communist and Post-Communist Studies (1994) 27 (1): 3–17.
Andrea Chandler; The Interaction of Post-Sovietology and Comparative Politics: Seizing the Moment. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 1 March 1994; 27 (1): 3–17. doi:
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