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Special Collection: The Great Questions of Our Time and the Future of the Liberal Order


Helmut K. Anheier, Hertie School, Germany and Luskin School of Public Affairs, UCLA, USA

What are the great questions of our time and for the future of the liberal order? This is the question we posed to a diverse group of social scientists, inviting reflections based on their intellectual interests, curiosity and expertise. We did so in the spirit of a seminal article sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf wrote about the role of intellectuals, in which he famously stated that they “… have the duty to doubt everything that is obvious, to make relative all authority, to ask all those questions that no one else dares to ask.” What, then, are these questions intellectuals should ask today, nearly 60 years after he wrote these impassioned words? And do they have answers?

The Dahrendorf Forum is a collaborative project of the Hertie School and LSE Ideas of the London School of Economics and Political Science, honoring the legacy of Lord Ralf Dahrendorf.

Complete contents of the special collection are listed below. To learn more about the collection please read Introduction: The Great Questions of Our Time by Helmut K. Anheier.

Mark Sedgwick
Rudolf Stichweh
Beverly Crawford Ames
Roland Bernecker; Ronald Grätz
Mark Juergensmeyer
Helmut Anheier; Alexandru Filip
Michael Zürn
Lisa Anderson
Mohamed Nabil Fahmy
Radoslaw Markowski
Inge Kaul
Kishore Mahbubani
Odd Arne Westad
Jan Zielonka
Iain Begg
Helmut K. Anheier
Howard Davies
Bruno S. Frey; Margit Osterloh
Linda Yueh
Mark Juergensmeyer
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