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Keywords: decision-making
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Collabra: Psychology (2021) 7 (1): 28115.
Published: 28 September 2021
...Mikael Rubin; Michael Telch; Justin Dainer-Best; Kevin King Decision-making processes in everyday life are complex. Research on decision-making has focused on self-report or experimental paradigms to understand this process. Recent work has highlighted the potential for complex iterative decision...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Collabra: Psychology (2020) 6 (1): 17213.
Published: 23 November 2020
... to address foundational questions about cognitive development. To date, however, few studies have directly tested whether findings from in-lab developmental psychology tasks can be replicated online, particularly in the domain of value-based learning and decision-making. To address this question, we set up...
Includes: Supplementary data