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Keywords: Conspiracy beliefs
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Journal Articles
Collabra: Psychology (2024) 10 (1): 92995.
Published: 22 February 2024
...Luisa Liekefett; Simone Sebben; Julia C. Becker; Don van Ravenzwaaij This Stage 2 Registered Report concerns the relationship between rumination, a repetitive style of negative thinking, and conspiracy beliefs (Stage 1 protocol: https://osf.io/y82bs , date of in-principle-acceptance: 23/05/2023...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Collabra: Psychology (2018) 4 (1): 19.
Published: 25 June 2018
...Michiel van Elk; Paul Lodder; Simine Vazire; Alexa Tullett We report seven experiments to investigate the effects of control threat manipulations on different measures of illusory pattern perception: magical thinking (Study 1–3), conspiracy beliefs (Study 4), paranormal beliefs (Study 5) and agent...