Politics and economics are described as being inseparably and inextricably related, such that economic discourse is also political discourse. Policies are only a reflection of the opinions and ideas of the ruling institutions, hence the economic system and its policies manifest in the field of investment, production and distribution. While the governments and ruling authorities in all economic systems speak of justice in distribution, however, the reality contradicts that as there is disparity in the income levels between individuals. The level of difference may be narrowing between some social classes, but it is widening among the poorer classes. This paper will focus on indicators of imbalance in the distribution policies in some Arab countries, selecting those where popular movements have taken place. Some claim that one of the main causes of these movements is the lack of just distribution. Although that is true to some extent, it does not mean that there were fairer distribution policies in the countries which did not see such popular movements. This is also the answer to the claim which attributes these movements to outside forces seeking to change the Arab political systems. This paper ends with conclusions and recommendations based on the research regarding the political and economic changes these Arab countries must make to ensure justice in their distribution policies.
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April–June 2015
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April 01 2015
Indicators of imbalance in the distribution policies in some Arab countries
Hakim Mohsin Al-Rubaie
Hakim Mohsin Al-Rubaie
Faculty of Administration and Economy, University of Kufa, Kufa, Najaf, Iraq
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Contemporary Arab Affairs (2015) 8 (2): 181–197.
Hakim Mohsin Al-Rubaie; Indicators of imbalance in the distribution policies in some Arab countries. Contemporary Arab Affairs 1 April 2015; 8 (2): 181–197. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/17550912.2015.1016765
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