Governance Indicator of the Democratic Transformation in Iraq 2017–2018—Faltering Democracy (Baghdad: Dar Qanadil for the Governance Center for Public Policies (GCPP), 2018), 156 pp. ISBN 978-9922-9076-1-1.

The Governance Center for Public Policy (GCPP) is a center of research and a think tank in Iraq. It focuses on policy-making activities, seeking analytical approaches to understanding policy-making processes and building capacity to address the problems of public policies.

Its goal is to contribute to meeting the requirements of the democratic transformation in Iraq. It has organized many workshops and seminars in Baghdad and a number of Iraqi provinces on civil peace, national reconciliation, party law, the electoral system in Iraq, educational policies, and other national issues, with the aim of raising awareness of human rights and freedoms, democracy, rule of law, and institutional management at governmental and community levels. Hence, the GCPP considers this book—conducted by a research team of academics, professors,...

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