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Keywords: Heraclitus
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Journal Articles
Classical Antiquity (2024) 43 (1): 50–96.
Published: 01 April 2024
...James I. Porter All parts of Heraclitus’ cosmos are simultaneously living and dying. Its constituent stuffs (“biomasses”) cycle endlessly through physical changes in sweeping patterns (“biorhythms”) that are reflected in the dynamic rhythms of Heraclitus’ own thought and language. These natural...
Journal Articles
Classical Antiquity (2020) 39 (1): 126–151.
Published: 01 April 2020
... and not living” (as Aristotle puts it), sleep offered unique access to the psukhē , that element within the self unassimilable to waking consciousness. This paper examines how Greek philosophers theorized the sleep state and the somnolent psukhē , focusing on Heraclitus, Plato, and Aristotle. Each of the three...