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Keywords: uncertainty
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Journal Articles
Asian Survey (2021) 61 (5): 767–796.
Published: 09 August 2021
... that well before the impeachment, the exchange rate already reflected the market’s concerns about the uncertainty in the government. Second, approval ratings serve as public information about the president’s popularity, which then affects the government’s policy agenda. Indeed, the American politics...
Journal Articles
Asian Survey (2010) 50 (6): 1082–1106.
Published: 01 November 2010
...Joseph Y. S. Cheng; Kinglun Ngok; Wenjia Zhuang This article attempts to use three case studies of labor organizations to explain the uncertainty of informal politics in China. Because informal rules are naturally vague and uncertain, the tactical interactions between government agencies and civic...
Journal Articles
Asian Survey (2008) 48 (3): 414–430.
Published: 01 June 2008
...Jonathan Hassid Increasing economic liberalization of the Chinese media has not resulted in proportional political liberalization, and previous explanations for the state's puzzlingly firm grip are inadequate. This article argues that a “regime of uncertainty” is critical toward keeping the Chinese...