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Keywords: Free Trade Agreement
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Journal Articles
Asian Survey (2016) 56 (6): 1123–1144.
Published: 01 December 2016
... political debate on a “second WTO accession” and China’s strategy toward the changing regional architecture. © 2016 by the Regents of the University of California 2016 mega-FTAs mega-regional negotiations free trade agreement strategies Asia China policy PENGHONG CAI China s Responses...
Journal Articles
Asian Survey (2014) 54 (1): 145–150.
Published: 01 February 2014
... growth stalemate Diaoyutai (or Senkaku) Islands free trade agreement approval rating JOHN FUH-SHENG HSIEH Taiwan in 2013 Stalemate at Home, Some Headway Abroad ABSTRACT The year 2013 in Taiwan was marked by a lackluster economy and stalemated politics. President Ma Ying-jeou s approval rating hit...
Journal Articles
Asian Survey (2012) 52 (3): 465–483.
Published: 01 June 2012
...Jeffrey Robertson Scholars and practitioners have argued convincingly that there exists a distinct South Korean national style in negotiation. However, recent Free Trade Agreement negotiations between the U.S. and ROK confirm that under certain conditions, national style can be less relevant...