Despite their dominance and control over police, courts, state institutions, media, and civil society, authoritarian governments face multifaceted internal and external contestation over their right to rule and the boundaries of autocratic control. Analysis of this opposition is wanting in the literature on democratic backsliding. Societal groups, institutions, and individuals regularly contest governments’ claim to legitimate rule, and they seek opportunities to raise their voices and be heard. These efforts, which we call democratic bricolage, are mostly uncoordinated, accidental, disconnected, and dependent on opportunities as these arise. But they undermine the government’s claims to authority and legitimacy. They maintain instead the moral claim to democracy, the right to be heard and consulted. We argue that democratic bricolage is the story of democratic resilience in an authoritarian context and an under-studied and little-noticed part of the story of autocratization.
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May/June 2024
Research Article|
January 12 2024
Democratic Bricolage: Resilience and Innovation in Autocratic Bangladesh
Arild Engelsen Ruud,
Arild Engelsen Ruud is Professor of South Asia Studies in the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo, Norway.
Email: <[email protected]>.
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Mubashar Hasan
MUBASHAR HASAN is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo, Norway.
Email: <[email protected]>.
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Email: <[email protected]>.
Email: <[email protected]>.
Asian Survey (2024) 64 (3): 452–479.
Arild Engelsen Ruud, Mubashar Hasan; Democratic Bricolage: Resilience and Innovation in Autocratic Bangladesh. Asian Survey 1 June 2024; 64 (3): 452–479. doi:
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