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Improving Health and Well-Being — SDG 3

Call for research articles from students and trainees to better understand the epidemiology and public and global health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on outcomes related to the Sustainable Development Goal 3 (good health and well-being)



Section Editor:
Andres G. (Willy) Lescano, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru

The goal of the journal for SDG3 is to promote the active participation of young and promising LMIC scientists in the generation and implementation of solutions to the main challenges to attaining healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages, particularly the most vulnerable populations in LMICs. Therefore, the specific aims of the SDG3 Section of the journal are:
  • To publish science conducted with a highly proactive role for LMIC scientists in identifying and implementing solutions to global health challenges
  • To nurture the next generation of LMIC scientific leaders capable of addressing the challenges faced to achieving good health and well-being
  • To promote global scientific collaboration centered on LMIC scientists and their home institutions to strengthen LMIC research capacities to attain good health and wellbeing
  • To stimulate multi- and trans-disciplinary research that can identify innovative solutions to health challenges of LMICs.

The SDG 3 section of Advances in Global Health welcomes submissions on a broad range of topics, including:

  • Nutrition
  • Reproductive, maternal and child health
  • Infectious diseases including emerging and re-emerging diseases
  • Injuries and trauma
  • Mental health, cancer and non-communicable diseases
  • Quality of care and surgery
  • Health systems and health policy
  • Medical and biomedical education
  • Research capacity building

Submissions can include experimental research assessing either efficacy or effectiveness of interventions, program and policy evaluations including case studies, modelling studies and simulations, systematic reviews and observational research including case reports and case series. Basic science with direct potential for translation into interventions highlighting its applicability is welcome as well.


Associate Editors

Zachary Kwena
Lead Social Scientist
Kenya Medical Research Instittue (KEMRI)

Zodwa Dlamini
Founding Director of the Pan African Cancer Research Institute (PACRI)
University of Pretoria

Juan Carlos Bazo-Alvarez
Research Fellow
University College London

Devaki Nambiar
Program Head – Health Systems and Equity
The George Institute

Moses Galukande
Head of the Department of Surgery, College of Health Sciences
Makerere University

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