Since the 2000s, book-format comics, especially graphic novels, but also collected editions, have become highly visible and culturally accepted products in English language book markets. Along with the graphic novel, bandes dessinées albums, manga, and manhwa have become globally marketed and have influenced international comics markets, although they have had very different histories and associations of cultural prestige in France, Japan, and South Korea, respectively. As comics becomes a global medium, the academic discipline of comics studies is also becoming more international. Katherine Kelp-Stebbins’s How Comics Travel: Publication, Translation, Radical Literacies could not have been published at a better time. This book is an invitation to stop and reflect on practices of translation, remediation, and reception in global contexts. Kelp-Stebbins theorizes the global presence of transnational comics “in their medial hybridity and cultural heterogeneity” (9), and shows ways to use transnational comics as tools for epistemological intervention (2) in order...

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