Flyers that the artist Hồng-Ân Trương collected from 2018 announce rallies and calls to advance and unify the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC), where she teaches. The flyers protest systemic racism, police violence, and threats against faculty and students. They express support for a Black doctoral student studying recent Chinese history, Maya Little, who had poured their blood and red ink onto a Confederate statue on campus.

For the last twenty years, Trương has been engaged with politics—participating in protests and community organizing and producing texts, photographs, videos, sculptures, performances, and installations that reinvigorate the past and frame history and the present as the intersections of many narratives. Photographs Trương shared with me of her studio reveal piles of large-format negatives and test prints showing protests. A sign in one image reads “Power to the People.”Another shows an Asian man wearing a blazer and holding his bloody head...

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