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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2020) 82 (8): 542–544.
Published: 17 November 2020
...Molly Proudfit The purpose of the proposed lesson is to help students develop media literacy skills, which are necessary across the curriculum and in students’ everyday lives. Students will do so by evaluating a provided conspiracy theory and, later, a pseudoscience claim (alternatively, students...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2015) 77 (7): 542–548.
Published: 01 September 2015
...Vanessa S. Quinn Surveys have shown that a proportion of the American public accepts pseudoscientific claims as scientific facts. The critical evaluation of these claims via classroom discussion about pseudoscience is important because instructors and students cannot test every pseudoscientific...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2015) 77 (7): 549–552.
Published: 01 September 2015
... of Science evolution inquiry hypothesis pseudoscience Mystery Tube Teaching the nature of science (NOS) has become an essential part of the K–16 science curriculum. Science standards have made it increasingly clear that along with traditional science content, instructors must teach what science...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2015) 77 (4): 284–288.
Published: 01 April 2015
... that beliefs are scientific in nature. They tend to rely on articles of faith rather than empirical evidence. Pseudosciences, on the other hand, will often try to disguise themselves as science to gain respectability and acceptance with the general public. The instructor should avoid having students pit purely...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2013) 75 (6): 397–401.
Published: 01 August 2013
...://www.ucpressjournals.com/reprintinfo.asp . 2013 Active learning scientific reasoning ad hoc hypotheses pseudoscience evolution One of the most compelling aspects of the crossword-puzzle analogy (CPA) is that a crossword puzzle is, in fact, a puzzle. Often in teaching science, explanations are taught...