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Keywords: natural selection
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Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2023) 85 (8): 448–453.
Published: 01 October 2023
...Gabrielle Flud; Julie Angle; Monique N. Simon; Daniel S. Moen Evolution by natural selection and adaptation are core concepts in biology that students must see and correctly understand their meaning. However, using these concepts in evidence-based learning strategies in the classroom is a difficult...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2023) 85 (3): 135–140.
Published: 01 March 2023
...Elizabeth Lenning; David Rudge The discovery of and research into penicillin resistance by Sir Edward Abraham and Sir Ernst Chain can be used to teach the concept of natural selection and also multiple nature of science (NOS) objectives associated with Next Generation Science Standards...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2023) 85 (2): 85–90.
Published: 01 February 2023
...Delbert S. Abi Abdallah; Christopher W. Fonner; Neil C. Lax; Matthew R. Babeji; Fatimata Palé In instructional settings, evolution and natural selection are challenging concepts to teach, due to the fact that these topics are difficult to observe in the laboratory or lecture hall. In the past few...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2023) 85 (2): 66–72.
Published: 01 February 2023
... semester to develop and link core concepts. A central theme in evolutionary biology is determining if complex biological traits represent adaptations that arose by natural selection. The instructional model presented here engages students in a step-by-step process to answer this question of adaptation...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2023) 85 (2): 80–84.
Published: 01 February 2023
... on the evolutionary perspectives of what might be causing human ear infections, as well as the role of beneficial species of gut bacteria in maintaining a healthy immune system. It is advantageous for students to know about natural selection and coevolution before using the case study. Case studies are stories...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2023) 85 (1): 48–51.
Published: 01 January 2023
... to calculate Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, natural selection, and mutation-selection balance of alleles. Students sequentially solve these evolution equations by entering variables into a series of cascading calculations similar to an Internal Revenue Service Tax Form 1040. We discuss suggestions...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2022) 84 (8): 478–483.
Published: 01 October 2022
... with the 5E instructional model for students to develop science understandings and practices in a hybrid and online environment. We demonstrate our model through a middle school unit on animal adaptation and natural selection. In our model, the teacher involves students with asynchronous online activities...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2022) 84 (2): 88–93.
Published: 01 February 2022
...Douglas Allchin This classroom activity highlights how evolution by natural selection is nonteleological —that is, not guided by need, by organismal intent, by inherent progress, by an external ideal, or by any observable purposive agent. Rather, it is driven by chance opportunity, environmental...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2022) 84 (2): 94–99.
Published: 01 February 2022
... in high school classrooms and biology teacher education are discussed. © 2022 by The Regents of the University of California 2022 natural selection nature of science evolution of dogs silver fox experiment In 1973 , in this journal, Theodosius Dobzhansky developed an argument...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2021) 83 (4): 235–239.
Published: 01 April 2021
...Candice Guy-Gaytán; Cynthia Scholl; Elizabeth Leger Understanding the causes and consequences of variation among populations is fundamental for understanding the process of evolution via natural selection. To support students in noticing, questioning, and investigating variation in wild populations...
Journal Articles
Gregory F. Grether, Rachel Y. Chock, Madeline C. Cowen, Josue S. De La Cruz-Sevilla, Taylor N. Drake ...
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2021) 83 (2): 118–119.
Published: 01 February 2021
... the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are expected to demonstrate their understanding of several core evolutionary concepts, including trait variation and inheritance, fossils and extinct organisms, common ancestry, natural selection, and adaptation. However, he might also wonder how...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2021) 83 (2): 112–117.
Published: 01 February 2021
... some of this integration should be unplugged, or without computers, so that all schools can participate in developing computational literacy. These lessons integrate unplugged CT and science content to help students develop CT competencies and learn natural selection content simultaneously through...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2021) 83 (2): 96–103.
Published: 01 February 2021
...Gregory F. Grether Evolution by natural selection is key to understanding life and of considerable practical importance in public health, medicine, biotechnology, and agriculture. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) include natural selection among several evolutionary concepts that all...
Journal Articles
The Natural Selection Game: Incorporating Active Learning in Evolution Curricula for General Biology
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2020) 82 (2): 104–112.
Published: 01 February 2020
... the basic concepts and address common student misconceptions about evolution. We present two paired activities that allow students to (1) explore the processes of natural selection in a direct and experiential way and (2) address common misconceptions in evolutionary theory. The first activity, the “Natural...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2020) 82 (2): 114–119.
Published: 01 February 2020
...Delbert S. Abi Abdallah; Christopher W. Fonner; Neil C. Lax; Matthew R. Babeji; Fatimata A. Palé The concepts of evolution and natural selection remain as some of the most challenging topics to teach. The difficulty in teaching these topics arises from the fact that evolution is difficult...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2019) 81 (2): 110–114.
Published: 01 February 2019
...D. Andrew Crain; Matthew Hale Understanding the theory of natural selection is crucial for any student of biology, but many secondary and postsecondary students struggle with the concepts. We present a novel, engaging exercise to illustrate natural selection through making pancakes. After students...
Journal Articles
Christopher W. Hoagstrom, Lin Xiang, Nicole Lewis-Rogers, Patrice K. Connors, Ami Sessions-Robinson ...
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2019) 81 (2): 127–132.
Published: 01 February 2019
...Christopher W. Hoagstrom; Lin Xiang; Nicole Lewis-Rogers; Patrice K. Connors; Ami Sessions-Robinson; John F. Mull Active-learning approaches can improve understanding of core biological concepts. We describe a revised hands-on simulation for teaching evolution by natural selection, which focuses...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2019) 81 (2): 88–95.
Published: 01 February 2019
...Karen Lucci; Robert A. Cooper Many students have very robust misconceptions about natural selection, stemming from intuitive theories that form a child's earliest understandings of the natural world. For example, students often imagine that species evolve in response to environmental pressures...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2019) 81 (1): 12–17.
Published: 01 January 2019
... through the University of California Press's Reprints and Permissions web page, . 2019 Evolution evolutionary simulator artificial life A-life Avida Tierra GenePool mutation planet teaching evolution educational app natural selection...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher
The American Biology Teacher (2018) 80 (2): 92–99.
Published: 01 February 2018
...Wendy R. Johnson; Amy Lark Current reform efforts at all levels of biology education advocate for the integration of science content and practices and emphasize the importance of phenomena-driven inquiry. We describe an instructional sequence for teaching evolution by natural selection...