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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2020) 82 (9): 638–640.
Published: 02 December 2020
... with written work to benefit ( Arum & Roksa, 2011 ). Writing should also be important to educators, for it is a medium ideal for nurturing critical thinking and learning ( Emig, 1977 ; Klein, 1999 ; Bean, 2011 ; Scott, 2016 ). “Our low-stakes assignment leverages writing-to-learn strategies...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2019) 81 (6): 387–394.
Published: 01 August 2019
... on CFS that we have used in our biology classrooms to increase students' critical-thinking skills and understanding of scientific method. Three general categories of potential pathogens – virus, vaccine, and microbiome – are discussed during multiple classroom sessions. We found that our students were...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2018) 80 (4): 301–304.
Published: 01 April 2018
... accurate reporting, and improve grades ( Colthorpe et al., 2014 ). In addition to improving individual grades, peer review also contributes to improving critical thinking and self-assessment skills, collaboration and communication skills, as well as increasing motivation, self-confidence, and independence...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2018) 80 (2): 100–104.
Published: 01 February 2018
... an empirical justification to conclude that any particular fossil is the lineal descendant of a previous species, as opposed to belonging to a side branch. evolution missing links critical thinking transitional species Instructors of evolutionary biology are often challenged by students...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2017) 79 (6): 473–479.
Published: 01 August 2017
... page, www.ucpress.edu/journals.php?p=reprints . 2017 critical thinking inquiry instruction osmosis Osmosis is a fundamental concept of great importance to understanding natural biological, physical, and chemical processes. Water occupies more than two-thirds of a cell's volume...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2016) 78 (7): 542–548.
Published: 01 September 2016
...: development of strategies and tools will require the brightest and most imaginative. Incorporation of the exposome into education curricula will foster discussion, development of interest, improvement of skills, and promotion of critical thinking to prepare students for civically engaged lives, ongoing study...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2016) 78 (4): 323–327.
Published: 01 April 2016
...Paige Littman; Janice Moore Viewing animal behavior in the wild is time consuming, can be costly, and often yields few results compared to the time required. This assignment encourages students to explore animal behavior through online videos while developing research and critical-thinking skills...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2016) 78 (3): 248–253.
Published: 01 March 2016
... lifelong skills for scientifically informed citizens. Popular science book trade book book report essay outline critical thinking scientific arguments scientific discourse thesis experiments Popular science books, sometimes called “trade books,” are written for a general audience and can...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2015) 77 (4): 250–257.
Published: 01 April 2015
... struggle with acceptance of the science behind these topics may be helpful in devising strategies to address them in the classroom. Need for cognition critical thinking evolution Darwinism climate change global warming science denial skepticism From the Scopes Trial in 1925...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2013) 75 (3): 220–221.
Published: 01 March 2013
... reserved. Request permission to photocopy or reproduce article content at the University of California Press’s Rights and Permissions Web site at http://www.ucpressjournals.com/reprintinfo.asp . 2013 Botany critical thinking environmental studies ethics genetically modified crops human health...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2012) 74 (5): 339–340.
Published: 01 May 2012
...://www.ucpressjournals.com/reprintinfo.asp . 2012 Critical thinking inquiry lab reports scientific method statistical analysis There is broad consensus that students should be learning scientific thinking (e.g., National Research Council, 2003 ; National Science Teachers Association, 2004 , 2011...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2012) 74 (4): 256–260.
Published: 01 April 2012
... teaching and development of critical-thinking and reasoning skills. © 2012 by National Association of Biology Teachers. All rights reserved. Request permission to photocopy or reproduce article content at the University of California Press’s Rights and Permissions Web site at http...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2012) 74 (3): 178–181.
Published: 01 March 2012
... critically. Examples show that students can learn to compare and defend their experimental results, thus bringing them closer to real research and critical-thinking skills. The point for “errors and improvements” was deliberately omitted in the pepsin lab ( Table 1 ) so that students would...
Journal Articles
The American Biology Teacher (2012) 74 (2): 81–83.
Published: 01 February 2012
...William D. Stansfield A creationist has called Dobzhansky's dictum a myth. Discussion of this debate could be used as an object lesson for critical thinking. © 2012 by National Association of Biology Teachers. 2012 Critical thinking creationism Darwinism empirical data logical reasoning...
Journal Articles